Retail POS Systems 101: Learning the Basics

Written by Eurostop

Reading Time: 2 minutes


So, your company has just invested in one of today’s leading retail POS systems, are you wondering what the next step is? You and your retail team are probably excited to get started using it, which is why Eurostop has compiled some basic tips and best practices for you.

Over time, POS systems have become more than simply a way to monitor cash flow, they’re now also equipped with expansive software to increase efficiency and connect with customers. Let’s look below at some of the most attractive features of today’s modern retail POS system.

Sales Reporting

One of the primary functions of a retail POS system is to track all your sales and purchases each day. You are able to see valuable data such as sales reports by staff member, SGV report and deposit and reserves reports. This info will then be made available with graphics and charts for easy review. A robust retail POS system should also allow you to manage complex promotions and eliminate staff error.

Customer Management

Another key component of point-of-sale software is its customer management solutions. Most POS systems will be equipped with customer-relationship-management (CRM) software to record customer data. They’ll also be equipped to provide services designed to improve and strengthen customer relationships, such as using till prompts to identify promotions that a customer may be eligible for,  tracking the sales histories of customers so that retailers can target customers offer upsell suggestions based on such data.

With a retail POS system, you can also create built-in loyalty programs to reward repeat clients by issuing loyalty points on purchases, that may then be used for future purchases, driving future footfall and rewarding loyal customers.

Inventory Management

Retail POS systems are also responsible for keeping track of your products and monitoring inventory across your store estate You’ll be able to keep up to the minute records and monitor all the products going in and out of your inventory. Managing inventory across your business accurately is crucial for your success in store. Monitoring the transactions and inventory on the same system eliminates the risks that might arise from unpredictable stockouts as well as time spent checking different systems. You can reduce the time spent and increase your efficiency to offer your customers the experience they deserve.

Let Eurostop help you roll out your new retail POS!

If you’re interested in investing in a reliable retail POS system, contact the team from Eurostop today! We have more than two decades in global retail management experience and can come up with a system designed to suit your specific needs.

Founded in 1990, Eurostop has progressed rapidly to become a major force in complete EPOS and retail software solutions, with a focus in the fashion, footwear, jewelry, and general merchandise sectors. Regardless of your business, we can equip you with highly-sophisticated retail systems that help you manage your customers and merchandise with efficiency and ease.

We also specialize in stock control solutions, business insights and reporting, tenant management systems, and in-store apps.

Contact us online or call us today at +44 (0) 208 991 2700.


Editor at Eurostop Ltd

Eurostop Ltd provides omnichannel retail software and services to international retailers in the fashion, footwear and retail industries.

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