
New Eurostop Café Mode supports retailers looking to enhance customer experience in store

Eurostop launches new easy to use till technology to help retailers manage café businesses in store Eurostop has launched its latest e-pos touch feature ‘Café Mode’, designed specifically for retailers with, or looking to setup, in-store coffee shops. The first rollout will be for M&S throughout its 32 stores in Hong Kong. Café Mode can be activated on Eurostop e-pos touch tills to manage a complimentary café business in tandem with the central retail operations. It combines the features of Eurostop’s stock management system with those of a condensed hospitality module, enabling retailers to provide an additional dimension to their in store service. Eurostop’s e-manager enables each till point to be configured and managed across the retailer’s EPOS estate, whether to read bar codes for retail stock or to capture the sale of cafe items – hot or cold drinks, sandwiches or cakes. As with the existing e-pos touch functionality, the new feature has been designed to be quick and easy to use with minimal training, helping staff to take orders quickly, so avoiding queues and providing a better customer experience. Café Mode also includes a Kitchen Order Management feature that allows till staff to enter items sold and note where they originate – from the fridge, kitchen or hot drinks machine. This provides separate tickets for food that is to be prepared in the kitchen, or elsewhere from the counter, and links all orders to the appropriate table number, for efficient payment and delivery. Deborah Loh, Marketing Manager at Eurostop said; “With online services gaining sophistication, retail owners are being placed under greater pressure to ensure that they are forward thinking and find new ways to encourage shoppers in store.  An area serving drinks and light snacks can help to increase dwell time. It allows retailers to diversify their business by providing an additional service like a café that builds on the customer’s positive experience in store, increasing brand engagement and loyalty”.

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