New e-mobile reports put live ‘on the go’ sales reporting in your pocket

Written by Eurostop

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October sees the release of Eurostop’s new product: e-mobile reports. e-mobile is released into the market with 7 new reports that cover various levels of live sales and stocks reporting.

Web reports - IPhone

Mobile reporting is about a meaningful summary of information that is delivered fast and on the go. Accessible and optimised for your mobile devices, the touch screen compatible reports provide a window into live trading figures and even allow further drill down and filtering of information.

Cutting edge technology means that the reports are quick to load, even at low bandwidths. Wherever you are, you can check in on how well the business is doing – from store promotions and sell through to monitoring daily sales against targets or comparing like for like sales. Address performance issues as they happen.

Access your data on the go without any specialised software. The browser based reports can be viewed on your mobile phone and sent wirelessly to your local printer for easy access. They include tabular and graphical representation.


Editor at Eurostop Ltd

Eurostop Ltd provides omnichannel retail software and services to international retailers in the fashion, footwear and retail industries.

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