At Eurostop, customer support is key to the personalised service that we provide. This month, Manjit Sanghera our Assistant Support Manager shares with you some of the questions that our customers have asked us. If you have an issue that you need assistance with, please log your call with Eurostop Support.
Question “Am I able to see the daily till transactions for a specific branch, at head office without connecting to the tills?”
Question “How do I see what movements have taken place on one of our products – we had 10 in stock in the Warehouse at the beginning of the week but I am unable to find out why there is now only 5 in stock.”
Question “How can I zero all the stock for one of our branches, do we need to do a write on/off for each item or do Eurostop have to do something to zero it for us?”
Question “When customers are visiting us in store, I’d like to take the opportunity to update their details, can this be done on our tills, or does it have to be done via Head Office?
Question “I want to find how much we have taken today. How do I do this without having to pull off a report on each till?”